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Welcome to Montague Villages Website

Our Mission

Montague Villages helps adults aged 60 and older who reside in the Town of Montague
to age in place with dignity and independence by offering volunteer services, access to information, and community connections.

Montague Villages members over the age of 60 can request free services
by trained and vetted volunteers. 

To request services, call 413-672-3095

Our services include transportation, household, outdoor, support & technical support.


Services are provided in:

Lake Pleasant, Millers Falls, Montague Center, Montague City, & Turners Falls

Reviews by members
"I had a great experience with my driver today. I have a new friend!"

"I want to thank Montague Villages and the volunteer who repaired my sister's door. He did a great job! 

Our members live in a variety of locations - apartments, condominiums, single family homes, and homes shared with friends or family.


Are you interested in becoming a member and/or a volunteer?
For more information, please call 413-672-3095 and leave a message or email:

****Organizational Volunteers are Needed****

Montague Villages is on Facebook

The Villages of Western Mass
The Villages of Western Mass Two-pager

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Montague Villages Sponsors


Many thanks to our sponsors for their support!

Member of the National Village to Village Network


Montague Villages
PO Box 349

Make a Donation Through Our Fiscal Sponsor


Donate Through Common Good